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Applications are now open for the 2024 Resilience Residential

Ronke Ayoola

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The Resilience Residential is back for its 3rd instalment, offering 20 places for pairs of European changemakers (age 18-25) to train, empower and transform their activism. You’ll be trained in-person to host a 10-week Resilience Circle, online, for other young people in Europe. 

  • July 25-29th, Kent, United Kingdom. 5-day nature retreat. You'll join changemakers from around Europe and be trained to lead our 10-week Resilience Circle programme, on zoom.  

  • Aug-Sep. Join free trainings to become certified Mental Health First Aid Trainers and compassionate facilitators.

  • September. Advertise and recruit 10-15 young people age 18-25 to join your online Resilience Circle.

  • September-December. Resilience Circles begin, running concurrently around the world. Meet weekly with your Circle for 10-weeks and learn resilience tools, find collective joy and build a strong community of belonging.

May-December. May. All chosen Circle Leads will be matched with an exceptional intergenerational mentor for 9-months of free mentoring. Your mentor will support you through the process of hosting your own Resilience Circle and will work with you to develop your skills, be that personal, professional or in your changemaking.

✨May-Dec. All chosen Circle Leads will be matched with an exceptional intergenerational mentor for 9-months of free mentoring. Your mentor will support you through the process of hosting your own Resilience Circle and will work with you to develop your skills, be that personal, professional or in your changemaking.

✨July. Advertise and recruit 10-15 young people aged 18-25 to join your online Resilience Circle.

✨July 25-29th, Kent, United Kingdom. 5-day nature retreat. You'll join changemakers from around Europe and be trained to lead our 10-week Resilience Circle programme, which you will facilitate on Zoom.

✨July-Sep. Join free trainings to become certified Mental Health First Aid Trainers and compassionate facilitators.

✨Sep-Dec. Resilience Circles begin, running concurrently around the world. Meet weekly with your Circle for 10-weeks and learn resilience tools, find collective joy and build a strong community of belonging.

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